Garage Mower

Shipping Information

When will my order ship?

All orders are subject to a handling period before shipment, usually 1 – 2 business days

You will then receive notification of shipment with full tracking information. In many instances, to save you money, we are shipping directly from the manufacturer. Please allow 7-15 business days to receive your order, delivery times may vary depending on your country and product location.
In some cases, international shipments will require import/customs taxes be paid. These will be the responsibility of the buyer under ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. Garage Mower will not be held responsible for customs taxes.

Yes Please Contact Us On the first 24h after making your Order , Please make sure to provide the correct shipping address. Garage Mower cannot be held responsible for items shipped to incorrect addresses provided by the buyer.
In such cases, the buyer will be responsible for any additional shipping fees incurred to ship to the correct address.

Payments Questions

Which Payment Methods Do You Accept?

We accept payment from Paypal

To save you money we ship our products directly from the manufacturer. These locations include the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, China, Indonesia and Thailand

For logistical reasons, items will sometimes be sent in separate packages. Please keep this in mind when receiving deliveries. If you have any other questions, please contact us.

Returns Questions

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Any product with a 30-day money back guarantee entitles you to a free replacement or refund if your item breaks or you are unhappy with the quality of the product within 30 days of delivery

Yes, if your order hasn’t been sent yet, please contact us and we’ll be happy to cancel your order. Orders that have already been dispatched cannot be cancelled.

Returns will be accepted within 30 days of delivery. To initiate your return please contact us by emailing to receive your returns number. Any un-authorised returns may result in refunds being delayed.
If your item is received damaged, we require you to first send us a picture or video showing the damage and upon inspection we will tell you whether it fits our criteria for replacement. Buyer pays shipping. All items must be in an unused re-saleable condition and in their original packaging. We reserve the right to reject any return that does not fit these criteria.
If your item is in working condition but you have ordered in error or no longer require the item, then we reserve the right to charge a 30% restocking fee.
Please include the returns number we provide so that the refund can be properly processed. If you don’t include the returns number then we can’t guarantee your refund can be processed.
Buyer is responsible for paying return shipping costs. We recommend using a trackable shipping service to ensure your return is delivered.

You can track your order once it has been shipped by visiting the page Track My Order and entering your tracking number.

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